Malaga wedding in Castillo de Santa Catalina
Its hard to imagine two more distant cultures than polish and chinesee. We’ve crossed nearly 8,000 kilometers, had 4 transfers to find out how do Wendy and Peter figure that. Soon we found out, there is only one solution, one answer for all the questions about it – love ! Its ultimate language and universal code.
It was second time for us to have opportunity of being part of the unique chinese tea ceremony, which in fact is a ritual of marriage. It is a meeting of generations and the seniority gives the newlyweds a permission, blessing and advices for their independent, common new life.
Shooting such ceremony its about emotion, most of all, but we absolutely have to notice the adorable Weny’s asian beauty! Photographing her durigng the preparation, make up, dressing in warm light of mediterranean sun was a blast ! So was the venue – medieval castle with views of the panorama of Malaga. Starting a new life here is a good omen for the of life, undoubtedly.
venue: Castillo de Santa Catalina, Malaga
make up : Ella Megan makeup artist
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